Friday, February 22, 2008

Patriots 19-0! Super Bowl San Gregorio, Nicaragua

Yes folks, that's right. Your New England Patriots are Super Bowl Champs once again. Unfortunately this is true only in the parallel universe of donations to the 3rd world. Zach and I scouted out the location of the hats and tees donated after the Pats lost to the Giants a few weeks ago. We rode into San Gregorio and quickly enlisted some local agents (shown in pics) to help us buy a few hats and t-shirts in an attempt to rewite history. It was all in fun, we gave the boys a few extra bucks and some food for helping us out. The town is the definition of extreme poverty, we figured for the money we paid for the Pats SB gear, each family could buy a lot more stuff in the long run.


Caitlin (Fahey) Bobe said...

Wow...I dont know what to say. This brought a big smile to my face and then a little tear, and then a big tear. Viva Los Pats, but more importantly Viva Le Gente de Sna Gregorio!

Pete Forsyth said...

Dude, that rocks!